Don’t Touch That!

A large part of the country is still in the midst of winter with germs wanting to get us even though spring is just around the corner. But no matter what season, we need to be mindful that some of the things we have to touch every day are full of germs!






Action Plan

Action Plan

We have been taught to cover up public toilet seats before we use them because of the germs, right? Well, they are the least of your germ worries. They didn’t even make the following list reported from an infection preventionist at National Jewish Health.

But if you wash your hands correctly you can get those germs off and thus reduce your risk of intestinal illness by 40 percent. How? Add 20 seconds to your time in the bathroom or kitchen and scrub away. Hint: That’s how long it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” or “Jesus Love Me”!

And remember that after touching these on the list and even washing your hands, spray the item with an essential oil, like Thieves; wipe it down with a Norwex cloth or a pop-up disinfect wipe to clean the item:

  1. Keyboard – Especially if you work in an office and use multiple ones.
  2. Purse handles – I clean mine with the pop-up wipes at the grocery store.
  3. Smartphone / tablet – Needs to be cleaned all day!
  4. Kitchen Faucet Handles/Refrigerator Handles – Wipe these down daily.
  5. Washer load of underwear – You may want to wash these together in hot water.
  6. Light Switches/Door Handles – Use a Norwex or a pop-up disinfect wipe and go throughout the house cleaning these.
  7. Cutting Board – Clean in the dishwasher or scrub well with a good cleaner.
  8. Pet Food Dish and Water Bowl – These need just as much cleaning as your dishes!
  9. Kitchen Sponge or Dish Rag – Put these in the dishwasher or washing machine.
  10. Carpet – You may not realize how dirty your carpet can get but when we walk on our carpet with shoes that have been outdoors, everything you have walked on gets on that carpet. I highly recommend taking your shoes off by the door if you have crawling babies.
  11. Money/Credit Cards – I would not have thought these were that dirty but they are. Wash your hands after using them.



Emotional Check-Up

While we worry about germs (and every other problem in the world) remember instead to focus on the emotional part of your life: spend your time, your life and your money in ways that yield returns of happiness.

Have special experiences, as planning an event or anticipating a trip, being with loved ones or getting that un-expected ice cream cone.

Taking time to “smell the roses” will help you recapture the pleasures lost by living in an all-consuming rush. We don’t know if today is all we will have so we need to really focus and enjoy the day God has given us.

Buy items only when you have the money saved up. You will sleep better and you will enjoy the item so much more than if you are in debt.

And invest in others. Studies show most people find more happiness in sharing than spending on themselves. Give of yourself to friends, family, church and charitable causes.


Manna from Heaven

Manna from Heaven


So do not worry saying, “What shall we eat?” or “What shall we drink?” or “What shall we wear?” For pagans run after all these things and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.

But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:31-34

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