After talking to many women on the subject of organizing, they seem to fall into two categories: those who are naturally organized and those who aren’t. Those who are a natural at organizing do have an easier time in life. So my heart goes out to those who aren’t.
However, I do know that organizing is actually learning time management. Those who say, “I don’t feel organized” or “It doesn’t come naturally to me” are really saying that it may be too hard to try or they just can’t be bothered to put in the time or they don’t think it’s all that important.
But if we want to live for the Lord and do His will, then we must put in the time. God couldn’t have created the heavens and the earth without an organized plan. If He loves order, than we should see how important it is to the life He has given us (see Manna from Heaven). If we are unorganized, we may not be able to give our full life to God or to our families.
I believe that every single person really wants to be organized and to have their life flow more easily. That is why I speak on the subject of organization. Not so you can clean your home with a toothbrush! But so you will have more time in your life: more time for the Lord, your husband, your children, others and more time for yourself! And when we have more time to enjoy the good things in life, we will be less stressed.
So, I want you to answer this question today: What is your idea of your best life? When you and I can decide what we want from life, we can begin to plan the stepsto take to help get us where we want to be. And I hope that you will be able to see how decluttering and organization can help you achieve that.
Action Plan: Take a pad of paper and pen and begin a walk-through of your house, starting at the front door. As you go through each room, ask yourself these questions: 1. Does this area need cleaning? 2. Does this area need organizing? Or, 3. Does this area need decorating or repair work?
Once you have written everything down regarding each room (and I suggest adding closets, pantries, drawers, attics and basements also) go back over your list and place them in order of most needed to least. Write down what you will need to buy or get to accomplish what you want to do for each area (such as shelves, hooks, plastic bins, paint or cleaning supplies). Now you have a workable plan! And if you plan on giving a week’s worth of work for each item, you shouldn’t feel too overwhelmed. Some of the areas in your home may only take less than an hour to get organized!
Manna from Heaven: “For God is not a God of disorder but of peace.” 1 Corinthians 14:33. God couldn’t have created the heavens and the earth without some type of plan. Though all He had to do was to speak it into existence, He still had each step planned and in an orderly manner. And when Jesus began His ministry, He planned the way He approached and asked each man to be His disciple. We need to understand that keeping our lives organized is how God wants us to live.
Emotional Check-up: Whenever we have to make changes in our life, we can begin to feel anxious. But, please don’t panic or become overwhelmed! Just a few changes will make a huge difference. If you feel that you need to get your life more organized, start small. Organize one drawer or one closet. You will find that making just one change will make you feel great! And you will begin to feel less stress in your life as you begin to clear up the clutter.
Healthy Fit-Fact: Try to get rid of drinking soda. If you drink just two and half sodas a day, you are increasing your likelihood of developing high blood pressure by 36 percent! And diet soda isn’t any safer. In a recent Harvard Medical School study, women who drank two or more servings of artificially sweetened soda daily were found to have double the risk of kidney function decline, which can destroy that organ.
Next week: Where to Make Your Home Management Decisions
Cathy Raney
Lane – I love you and I LOVE your blog!!!
Lane, thanks so much for the inspiration. I am working on cleaning out my closet!! Next I will tackle my office.
This is great Lane! I really enjoyed reading it. I’m going to try to do the “action plan” this week.
Lane, I love the plan of going through each room and asking yourself those 3 questions. What a great, systematic approach to assessing what really needs to be done! Then when you see it on paper, you can prioritize the list. I am definitely going to try that. Thank you!!!!
Niki Anderson
Dearest Lane, You and I are women whose heart’s beat similarly. My passion is balance and yours is organization. We both know they go hand in hand. I love the layout of your blog. Since I’ve been blogging on “Lifestyle Balance from a God-Centered Purr-spective” (the purr because I’m also a cat lover!) I gained some ideas for improving my blog. What a surprise also to learn of your past connection to Dr. Charles Stanley. When hubby and I are ill and can’t attend services, we always watch Dr. Stanley!
Love, Niki
I just cant stop reading this. Its so cool, so full of information that I just didnt know. Im glad to see that people are actually writing about this issue in such a smart way, showing us all different sides to it. Youre a great blogger. Please keep it up. I cant wait to read whats next.
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Thanks a million for this, I am greatful for the info