Last week I made a list of how to go about cleaning your house with fresh air and lot’s of elbow grease! This week, I want to address the unfortunate fact that our human nature might try to find a way out of it.
I do know that when we have to face something we don’t want to do (as in cleaning the garage) we tend to procrastinate.
We all do it. I guess it’s human nature. But, to get things accomplished in our life, we have to figure out ways not to do it – procrastinate that is.
Satan probably thinks up millions of ways to keep God’s people from doing His will. We don’t want him to have the victory! I hope these ideas will help you continue on with everything that is important in your life:
- 1. Focus on what is important in your life. Take time to evaluate and then make a list of your top priorities. Each one of you will have a different list, but some similarities might be: Living a life for Christ; being a godly woman, wife and mother; taking care of your home, clothes; preparing healthy meals; taking care of your families health, reaching out to others, etc.
2. Then, make a plan on how these can be accomplished. Without set plans and goals, we can easily fall into a pattern of putting off things that need to be done.
3. Make preparations for the tasks that need to be done the night before and assemble the proper tools that you will need. That way, when you wake up, you already have everything in place to begin the task.
4. Ask a friend or family member to help you or keep you accountable. Some tasks are just easier if someone is helping you or with you (as a walking companion).
5. Find a way to make the task fun! Do you vacuum better with music blasting away? Then turn it on. Is there a time of day that works best for you? Then plan accordingly. I really have a hard time stopping what I am doing to make dinner so I found that it is easier to start my daily tasks earlier in the day or around lunchtime.
6. Plan to give yourself a reward when you are finished, as an ice cream treat, time to read your book or getting outside for a walk.
7. Protect yourself from interruptions. Nothing can stop your motivation better than a child or a phone call! So, plan a time for the task you need to do when you won’t be interrupted.
8. Take one bite at a time. If your task is just too hard to even think of doing (as packing up a house to move or spring cleaning the whole house in one day!) start with just one box or one room. Once you get started, your momentum will pick up.
9. Remember that once you get a dreaded task accomplished, you will feel wonderful!
10. And, don’t procrastinate the fun things you love to do! Life is truly so short. Stop and smell the roses, play with your children, pick up that tennis racket, start to paint again, sit down and enjoy that book.
When we become a Christian, our life is to be the Lord’s, living and working for Him. That’s why we must put procrastination aside and work the work He has given us to do:
“We must work the works of Him who sent Me, as long as it is day; night is coming, when no man can work.” John 9:4
“We have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you may walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.” Colossians 1: 9-12
As we begin to work on the problem of procrastination, we may see how it can adversely affect other areas of our lives:
* It can cause us to lose interest in some aspects of our life.
* We may not have the desire to reach out to other people or to do for others as we should.
* We may become more self-centered and less willing to try new things.
* Procrastination can cause negativity, a critical spirit and sometimes depression.
If you feel that any of these feelings or actions are in your life, ask God to reverse these and to help you tackle the hardship(s) or trials in your life that are holding you back. I promise that when you stop procrastinating, you will truly enrich your life and add joy back in it.
Our health is one of the most important areas in our life we need to focus on and not procrastinate with.
In a study of 1,313 women, those who ate the largest number of healthy foods and the fewest unhealthy ones, who got the equivalent of at least an hour-long walk each day, and who did not smoke lowered their risk of age-related macular degeneration by a huge 71 percent, compared with women with less exemplary lifestyles.
This is a huge difference! All of us need to start, today, with taking care of ourselves…and not putting these good habits off.
Probably one part of our lives most ignored and procrastinated with is our finances. Think about all the people who lost their life savings in the Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme and you may begin to realize that when it comes to money, we feel that we don’t know enough to make our own decisions and we want someone else to do it. Or worse, we don’t do anything with our money and procrastinate about it.
But don’t despair! There are now many books that you can get to read and study on how to take care of your money and how to invest. And if you still don’t understand, go to your bank and work with a licensed professional.
The main thing to never forget: save as much as you can and spend less than you earn. Also, honor God with your tithe. And be responsible with your money. Don’t blindly trust someone with all of the decisions.
I hope these blogs are continuing to bless you! If you ever have a question for me, just ask and I’ll answer on the blog or privately.
Love how you address the procrastination aspect! So human to find time for the things we want to do and conveniently “run out of time” to finish the ugly cleaning …
Marie Keesee
Oh, this is such great material! It’s exactly what I needed to hear because I am definitely a procrastinator. I admit it. You’re right that we need to ask God to change us and then start planning for what our top priorities are. Start today!
Thanks for this timely reminder!