Pray and then Vote

Next week, on Tuesday, November 6, is our national election day.  As I mentioned last week, I firmly believe that the most important thing we can do is to pray.  We need to ask God for His mercy and grace upon our land because this nation is falling away from the faith of our founding fathers.

Myself, as well as many others feel that this is one of the most important elections in our lifetime.  The next president and other elected officials will make critical decisions that will have an enormous bearing on the future of the nation.  Please choose candidates, on the national, state, and local levels who embrace biblical values.  We have enormous moral issues facing our country.  This is a crucial hour for our nation and time for deep, intercessory prayer on behalf of our great country, which is in grave danger unless we repent of our sins and turn back to God.

When America’s leaders actively promote and legislate immorality, restrict the religious freedoms that our country was founded on, and are openly hostile to men and women of faith, then I believe we are ripe for God’s judgment.

Just this week, I received an email from the editor of a neighborhood magazine that I write a monthly column.  I had used the word “Christmas” in my article for the December issue.  I was told that we would have to take the word “Christmas” out because it may offend some.  I held my ground and said we could add the word holiday to Christmas but I would not take the word out.  If this wasn’t acceptable, then just remove my article.

I know this is a tiny example, but friends, our nation which was founded on Christian principles is changing to I fear a nation without a strong moral base.  I fear what we are leaving our children and grandchildren.

Please…pray for our country.



Manna from Heaven

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way” (I Timothy 2:1-2)

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