Well, it went more into silence rather that actual darkness. When I went to church on Sunday it seemed like any other day at church. We sat in our usual spot. We sang songs. The collection plate was passed around. And then nothing happened.
No one went up to the platform. People moved uncomfortably in their seats.
And then on the big video screens were typed words. Our pastor was typing the words of his sermon onto the screen.
He started typing the sermon he wanted us to feel, not hear.
You see, we all have too much noise in our life, he wrote. Too much going on. From our work to chores to school to family to drama to problems, our lifestyles cause too much noise.
We need to ask ourselves: Are we so busy that we can’t hear God in our daily lives?
Are you so busy that you are missing the voice of God?
How are we going to hear God when He speaks if we aren’t listening?
“Be still, and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10
God tells us to be still. To be quiet. So we can hear His Voice.
But how do we find the time to be quiet?
You may wonder why a blog on organization is focusing on being quiet and hearing the voice of God. It’s because without our lives having structure, we will live scattered lives. And we won’t know what the work is that God wants us to do because our lives will be too chaotic to hear Him.
Action Plan
- Look at your calendar and really study it. Can you find any open time slots in each day?
- Be disciplined with your time. Stop whatever is stealing your time (computer/TV/phone) and so you can put God first.
- Now write in “quiet time” in some of those open time slots and listen for the words of God He wants to speak to you.
- Your life will drastically change!
This past Sunday, I found God in that silence. And what was even more remarkable, I found joy coming out from deep inside my soul. It was as if all the unimportant things stopped and the important part of being with God was heard and felt.
Why not stop right now and listen for the voice of God in your life?
If you would like to view this sermon go to http://vimeo.com/74155534 The sermon starts at 14 minutes into the video if you want to skip the music.