Let’s Keep Rolling Through This New Year

Ok! We are still in the month of January and I hope that the last blog encouraged you to start the new year with the Lord.

With this blog I’d like to focus next on our health – we really can’t start organizing the rest of our life if we aren’t healthy. But I promise you won’t hate it! These will be good suggestions that I need to work on too so we will be in this together.



Action Plan

Action Plan




Why do kids have so much more energy than we do? Because they haven’t messed up their systems (like a clean fish tank) and as we become adults and as life settles in, we get a little lazy about changing the water. We start eating the wrong way, living a stress-filled lifestyle, our sleep is reduced and we become nutritionally deficient – that water in our fish tank keeps getting muddier and muddier. So how can we get our energy and our health back?

  1. Stop Sugar Intake. In the history of mankind, we have never eaten a high-sugar diet until now. Be aware of what you are eating and eat as little of sugar as you can. It can cause inflammation in your body which can cause all types of disorders.
  2. Start to Sleep More. Yes, sleep is so basic we think we don’t need it as much anymore. But your body simply can’t function without enough of sleep! To get more sleep, go to bed earlier each night until you wake up one morning truly rested. NOTE: For those of you with health issues, you may just have to sleep more than the average person. I have chronic fatigue and so I need much more. And each person has a different sleeping/waking cycle. Find yours and stick to it. Also, keep the room cool (around 68 degrees), have a good mattress, pillow and keep the TV and tablets/phones away from the bed (and naps are great!).
  3. Step Outside. We need fresh air and sunshine. In fact, Dr. Bowden, PhD, a certified nutritionist and author, shared that just taking one 15-minute walk a day would be an easy way to recharge when you are feeling tired. This short walk isn’t enough to get you in shape, but is sure can recharge you.
  4. Start to Move. I love these new step watches! They have helped many people keep up with moving and walking. No matter what you do, keep your body moving and stretching. Start stretching when you first wake up and as you go through your day. I stretch and do squats making the bed, cleaning up the kitchen, and whenever I can.
  5. Satisfy yourself with Real Food. One of the single most powerful changes a person can make is to eat a real-food diet. Look through your refrigerator and pantry and if you aren’t sure if it’s real food, then it’s probably not! Real food comes from the ground or trees – never in a box or a package. Think of your grandparent’s garden. So visit your local farmer’s market and buy healthy fruits, veggies and meats because real food (and your lifestyle) will give you energy. And if you don’t know how to cook real food there are zillions of new cookbooks out there to help.
  6. Supplements can correct deficiencies that in turn would interfere with energy. If you don’t have enough B12 in your diet, for example, you’re going to be tired. Just make sure you are getting real supplements and not those with a lot of fillers. Also, you might want to research a doctor who specializes in natural products and essential oils.
  7. Stress Management. Yes, we have all heard about stress for years but sometimes managing it can be simple at times. Go outside for 5 minutes. Try a five-minute deep breathing exercise to relax and recharge. Write down all that is stressing you and then give it all to the Lord. Pray. Listen to praise music. Focus on Philippians 4:8. Rest in the knowledge that God has you in the palms of His hands.
  8. Search for and Cultivate Relationships. Having true friends can make all the difference in the world to your health and outlook and can light you up with energy. But you have to make the effort in reaching out to others as well as being a friend for them. So put yourself out there: Join a Bible study, a Life Group or Sunday school class, the choir or musical group, a sport group like tennis, a political group, join a class at your local college, or start a neighborhood Ladies Night Out! I do know that if you are feeling lethargic and/or depressed these suggestions may be too hard so start small – try to make one phone call to a friend and see how much better you will be.


Manna from Heaven

Manna from Heaven


Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praise-worthy – mediate on these things. (NKJV)


I pray you continue to start this New Year full of hope, love and faith!

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