A Valentine for You!

Young mother hugging babyLast week we talked about your love life and how being organized can help! So along with that thought, I would like to share with you the one thing that really can make a difference in your life and how you relate to others.

That one thing is the Power of Touch.

Experts now say that the right kind of touch can lower your blood pressure, improve your outlook, and even make you better at math.
Tactile sensation, from massage to a pat on the back to hugs, can help premature babies gain weight, accelerate recovery from illness, and calm us when we are afraid.

How? Your skin is your body’s largest organ, and when its sensory receptors are stimulated, the hormone oxytocin – the one that makes you feel good – is released. At the same time, cortisol, the stress hormone, is reduced.


Healthy Fit-Fact

1. Touch can make you healthier. It can boost your immune system, reduce heart rates, help with asthma, eases migraines, and leads to a more restful night’s sleep. Yes, just a hug can do this!

2. Touch can make you smarter and less stressed (from a research project at Univ. of Miami).

3. Touch can change your mood. Don’t you love the feel of holding a steaming cup of coffee? A Yale study showed that people tend to think more warmly of others if they’re holding something warm. Maybe this is why Starbucks is so popular – we receive a comfort item while we are among other people.

4. Touch can deepen your relationships. One of the key places we can use touch is in our families. Children love a nightly back rub along with a story and talking. And so do husbands! In one study, men replied that they were happier in their relationships when they hugged and kissed. And I believe that all of us women love a good foot massage!

“Touch seems to be as essential as sunlight.” Diane Ackerman, author of A Natural History of the Senses.

So my gifts to you on this Valentines week are some tips that just might put everyone in your life in a good mood!


Action Plan

1. Whenever a family member leaves the house or comes in at the end of the day, greet them at the door. I feel this is such an important act and so easy to do! It gives respect to the person and gives you a chance to engage right away. Give a hug, take their book bag or briefcase and ask if you can get them anything.

2. When you walk past a family member who is sitting at their desk or the TV, just gently touch their arm or tousle their hair.

3. If you have a baby or young child around, I would suggest constantly loving on them.

4. Tuck your children in bed every night. Read to them, pray with them, talk to them, and touch them. This is the best way to bond with them!

5. And especially your teenager! They will pull away, but don’t let them stop you. They need our hugs and touch at this critical age more than at any other time.

6. Your husband needs to know he is still loved. Reach out and touch him! I know some husbands are grumpy, etc. but perhaps just a quick touch or a hug can change that.

May you have a “touchable Valentines” this week!

Manna from Heaven

Manna from Heaven

“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you.” Ephesians 5: 1-2

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