The main purpose of being organized is so we will have more time for those we love and for those things we want to do. For that reason, I have always loved the summer: schedules are more relaxed and families can do more activities together.
Most of the schools in my area of the country don’t start until August 23 which means you have around three more weeks of a carefree, wonderful summer!
- 1. Check out the different museums in your city. You may find some that you have never visited before.
2. Go to a water park; or a regular park and have a picnic, putt-putt golf or a day-long event as Six Flags.
3. Take your kids to see a local theater production.
4. Visit your local library again or better yet, go to another one in a nearby county.
5. If your children have been wanting to take lessons in some area, perhaps you could sign them up for just a couple before school starts. They have more time now and if they decide they don’t like it (piano, ice hockey, jazz, etc.) you haven’t invested a lot of money or time.
6. Hot summer days are great to stay in and clean the basement! Yes, I know it doesn’t sound like fun but it’s the best time of the year for this task and the kids could be motivated by making a scavenger hunt among the boxes.
7. Check on line for any vacation spots or resorts within driving distance that may have some discounts. A long weekend away is sometimes more restful than packing and flying somewhere far away.
8. If you take your dog with you on a trip or an outing, take along a Frisbee. It’s great exercise for the whole family and a water bowl for the dog!
9. We keep our weekly, clipped coupons for restaurants in our car for inevitable stops for day trips or longer.
10. Visit different farmer’s markets. Young children especially don’t understand where produce comes from. Let them choose what they want and help you prepare them when you get home.
Manna from Heaven: “I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you.” 2 Timothy 1:5
I know each of you reading this wants to help build your child’s faith and walk with the Lord. Now is a perfect time, before schedules and time constraints begin with the new school year. Perhaps you could get in the habit of reading to your children every night: first a Bible story and then a book they can choose. Without even saying the word, “devotion”, you will be having a devotion time with your children and building strong habits for their future personal quiet time.
Emotional Check-Up: Are we too busy for our family’s emotional health?
Each person in this world needs to feel accepted, loved, and respected. And, most of us want to give these to our children. But, in reality, it is so easy for a busy mom or dad to get caught up doing life for their family instead of doing life with their family. When you spend real quality time with each child, patiently listening to them, being with them, they will know the real you. Children spell love, t.i.m.e. And in this crazy world with so many distractions, they need at least one person who will ignore technology and pay attention to them. So, check out the quality of time your family is spending together. It is way too valuable to waste.
Healthy Fit-Fact: Researchers have identified key characteristics of healthy families that are usually missing from problem families. According to Froma Walsh, as award winning therapist with the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association, the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, and AFTA, these characteristics include: connectedness, flexibility, social and economic resources, clarity, open emotional expression, positive outlook and spirituality.
I pray you will have time and focus to nurture these characteristics in your family.