First, may you and yours have a blessed Easter this Sunday! He is not here for He is Risen! It’s my favorite time of the year because of the phenomenal miracle that took place.
Do you realize that the very same power that raised Jesus from the dead is the same power that God gives to each one of His children when we come to Him in faith?
“And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.” Romans 8:11
You and I have power from on high! And we are surrounded by God’s witnesses and angels continual as His Holy Spirit lives strong in us!
And now to my ‘different take’ on Easter.
Have you given thanks to God – unbridled, outrageous thanks – for giving us this amazing, astonishing, astounding, Star-Wars type breathtaking reality of the life here on earth and a life living with Him forever, full of His power through the Holy Spirit?
We are told to be thankful and to even make gratitude lists.
But anytime we make a list of all we are grateful for, isn’t it a list that is all about His goodness? How great is our God who can create all the worlds and the universe and people and animals with one word yet care so much about you and me that He came to us. He did not wait for us to get good enough but dove into our messy humanity to reveal Himself and then to take away our sinfulness on a rough and ugly cross, so we could live forever with Him?
So, my take on Easter is thanksgiving! Thank God for all His blessings but mostly, for His Precious Son who lived and died for you. And for me.
And for the knowledge that anything I do on earth in His name – He’s already given me all the power I need for it!
“And He took the bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them…” Luke 22:19
Thank you, God.