A couple of years ago my married daughter told me about a company called “Norwex”. Their cleaning microfiber is a breakthrough miracle and she told me I must start using it!
Well, I have a hard time with any type of change and I love to clean with my Soft-scrub and sprays so I just couldn’t remember to use it or even how to use it. But just a few months ago a neighbor invited me to a Norwex demonstration. And light bulb moment! I bought the basic kit and please hear me when I say it’s a cleaning miracle!
Literally, all you do is wet the microfiber and clean. No sprays. No pastes. No nothing! And it cleans 99% of all bacteria! I even use it to clean spots off my clothes and dog prints off of furniture (when the dry cleaning solvent didn’t do anything!).
I believe in this product SO much we are giving away a Basic Package:
Enter for a chance to win a Basic Package which is an EnviroCloth and a Window Cloth! You can clean all surfaces and remove up to 99% of bacteria with just water!
To enter to win, simply email Kim Hunt — huntkj@gmail.com — to set up either an in-home demo (15-20 minutes) or a phone chat – 214-686-1201 – if you don’t live close! No purchase necessary to win! Kim’s passion is to educate others on how to radically reduce chemicals in their home and save time and money!! Call Kim Hunt if you have questions. 214-686-1201.
Here’s some information about Norwex:
The Norwex mission is to help families live happier, healthier lives as we create safe havens by radically reducing chemicals in our homes with simple, cost-effective solutions that truly work. With Norwex microfiber, you can clean and remove up to 99% of bacteria from a surface with proper care and use!
You don’t need to use chemicals! Indoor air pollution is one of the top five highest ranking environmental health problems in America. It’s estimated that one in four diseases is environmentally related! By avoiding chemical-laden air fresheners and toxic “cleaning” products and personal care products, you can create a safer haven for your family! Remember, clean doesn’t have a scent!
Over the last 50 years, over 80,000 chemicals have been introduced into our marketplace, and of those only 200-300 have been tested for the harm they would cause our body! We can’t assume that what we purchase in the store is safe! Often times, products that contain buzz words such as “green”, “natural”, “free and clear”, are often more toxic!
Below are some short videos that discuss our products in more detail. If you are interested in learning more, call me for a free in home demo at 214-686-1201. Ready to order? Visit my website: http://kimhunt.norwex.biz/en_US/customer/party/2150539
NOTE: When looking through the products, first click on the Norwex Collections link on the left. Find a collection that works for you and then add additional items. The packages save you money so you don’t want to order items individually if there is a package with the items you want. Call me if you have questions or need recommendations based on your cleaning challenges and needs. I would be happy to assist you. Top 10 Products Video Bundle
Household Package Explanation– You can clean 90% of your home with water and the three cloths that are in this package! This is what many people start with as they begin eliminating toxins in their home.
Raw Chicken Demo – I do this demo at in-home parties. We use protein because where there is protein, bacteria will grow. We don’t stay at the party long enough to grow bacteria so we show how we can remove the protein from the plate. It’s amazing what you can clean/sanitize with just Norwex microfiber and water!
Butter Demo – Find out why the EnviroCloth and Window Cloth are so much more effective than glass cleaner and paper towel!
E.Coli– Norwex removed 92% of the E. coli bacteria and the all purpose cleaner and paper towel removed 0%! That’s how I USED to clean before Norwex!
Little Things Matter – If you have kids, this is a must see video! Toxins affect our sweet childrens’ developing brains!
Laundry Room:
Did you know that 26 seconds after you inhale something, it is in EVERY organ of your body! WOW! When ridding your home of toxins, I encourage people to start with their laundry room! If you use fabric softener or dryer sheets, you are inhaling those toxins all day as you wear your clothes and all night as you sleep on your sheets and blankets.
Dryer sheets and fabric softeners are EXTREMELY toxic. We have two types of dryer balls and you can use essential oils with them too in case you still want your clothes to have a light fragrance! Why are our dryer balls so effective and a safer option more cost effective option? View this article.
Click here to read more about the dangers of dryer sheets and fabric softener.
Our laundry detergent, Ultra Power Plus, is very effective and you only need 1/2 tsp. to 1 tsp in a high efficiency washer! There are no fillers, dyes/fragrances, chemicals, phosphates, sulfates, chlorine/bleach, or optical brighteners in our detergent. People that have skin sensitivities LOVE our detergent!
From Lane: I am not making any money from promoting this product. I’m sharing it so that you, my readers, can learn about a healthy way to clean your home and laundry without toxins. I hope you come to love Norwex as much as I do!!
Manna from Heaven
She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Proverbs 31:26-27