The Joys and Heartbreaks of Being a Mother

Mother and DaughterWith Mother’s Day this Sunday, I wanted to write a tribute to mothers everywhere.  There is nothing quite as reverent, or so full of love or as wonderful as our mothers.

I remember as a child fearing that my mother would die when she flew on a plane one day.  I gave her a wallet picture of Jesus so that whenever she traveled, she would come back safely to me.  I’m not sure why I had that fear.

Then I became a mother and it changed my life – for the better.  I became more loving to others, more compassionate, less selfish.  I also didn’t think I would make it!  Raising children is just plain hard.  But it does turn us from self-centered people to ones who put others first which, I believe, is what God calls us to do.

When we first became mothers, we couldn’t read enough books.  “What if I do it wrong?” I would ask myself.  What I finally realized, and what I have shared with my daughter who is now a mother, is that every child is different.  Each mother truly has that special God-given instinct – she knows if her child is sick, is in trouble or needs something. One child may potty train at 2 while another one may not until 3.  One may talk at 18 months while another may not talk or walk until much later than the average. 

Eventually you must learn to trust yourself.  And give it all to God.

Raising children is also humbling.  Oh the mistakes I have made!  I just knew I would never yell at my children yet I did.  I just knew I would always be an encourager but I’m sure I let my daughters down.  I’m sure I made wrong decisions for I was probably too strict in one area but not enough in another.  I just thank God daily that His will for their lives is stronger than any of my faults!

I also want to share with each mother this:  don’t be in such a hurry that you miss them.  Don’t be in such a hurry to do the next thing on the list that you forget to see their eyes shine back at you; or you forget to hold them tight each day; or you forget to sit on the floor or outside on the grass and just talk or read or play with them.  One day you will have all the extra time you could ever want but by then, you won’t want it – you will just want them.

Live in the moment, in the present, as much as you possibly can because these priceless treasures won’t be here forever.  And that is the heartbreak of being a mother. Your children really do steal your heart and then they grow up and leave you. Which of course they should but it causes some emptiness in your life. In other words, it’s wonderful when you see your children grow up and become these great adults adding so much to the world!  But it’s just hard when we aren’t a full-time mother anymore.

I am so thankful that God gave me such fantastic and unbelievable daughters who are the lights in my life.  And I am so thankful that God made me a mother and now a grandmother.  I never knew such joy existed in this life.

May all you mothers feel blessed this Mother’s Day and may God pour His favor upon you.

“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you.”  Exodus 20:12

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